Monday, November 25, 2013

Christmas is Almost Here!

Such a small, sad little photo but it's the best one I got when decorating today.
I can't believe Christmas is almost here and for the first time in years, I'm actually excited and not stressed. I'm really looking forward to just eating delicious food, spending time with family and seeing my friends who have all basically moved away.

So I discovered the National Geographic website. It's probably my favorite thing ever. I love how it encourages photographers to upload photos 100% unedited because they want to see our pictures and not those of a photo editing tool. So much truth. I'm usually a very heavy editor so I like the idea of trying to capture photos without needing to edit them and I'm going to make that a new project of mine.

National Geographic also encourages photographers to participate in their "assignments" so I feel that's something I'm going to attempt to join in on. Right now, their assignment is "Imagine if..." so I'll try to get creative with that.

Yay for online photo communities!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't National Geographic amazing? I didn't know about uploading unedited photos but I can see how that fairs, the images are transformed, if not enhanced, by editing so it's nice to see some raw photos every now and then. I love assignments based on a theme! Earlier this year, we had a weekly photo challenge with a new theme each week. The first few months were great but it became really hard to keep up with. I'd love to start shooting with an assignment in mind again, definitely checking the one out from NG--thanks for sharing. and I agree, yayy for online photo communities!!!! <3
